A True IT Partnership
Complete network peace of mind. IT management is crucial to ensure your company is operating with predictability, optimal output and security. Our fully managed program is the ideal solution for any small to medium size business or organization that demands the utmost in network reliability and quality service.
Any network can be unpredictable and costly unless it is monitored and maintained in the right hands. The cost of losing productivity time, losing data and possibly clients is detrimental to any business. Our fully managed IT services allows your business to run without the worries of losing any of these valuable assets.
The more proactive you are, the less reactive you will need to be.
Remote Management and Monitoring
With remote management and monitoring, we are able to work on almost any technical issues your business is having without waiting on a technician to arrive in person. We monitor your servers and computers and can correct any issues before you are aware that there was an issue.
But, if the need arises that a technician has to be on site to repair or replace equipment, you will be our priority.

Managed Anti-Virus
Anti-Virus protection is vital in any business. With the remarkable amount of businesses being hacked and personal information being placed in the wrong hands, going unprotected is not an option. Unfortunately, some businesses are unaware of how little or no virus protection they have. We monitor and manage all the anti-virus software so that your business is out of danger.
Website Monitoring and Filtering
Our website monitoring and filtering service helps keep employees off of sites that may lead to less productivity and effective work output. We are able to monitor as few as one computer or as many as all. You can determine who needs to be monitored and which sites need to be filtered off of your business computers.

Backing up your work product is another extremely important feature that we handle for you. Data can be lost by accidents, theft, disasters or mechanical failures or just human error. The loss of data can set your employees back hours, days, weeks or longer. There are many ways to backup your data. We can backup your data onto an off site server storage site, onto the cloud site or on an onsite backup that can potentially be just as at risk as the initial equipment that the data needs to be recovered from.
Using a cloud based back up has many economical, safety and reliability qualities. Information and data is saved faster, more efficiently and with better protection. This makes the recovery of all data easier and more efficient.
We will help you determine the best way to set up or upgrade your current backup and recovery system based on your needs.
Next Steps...
Contact the professionals at SynergyPro for information and solutions to your IT service needs. 1-866-836-2866